Understanding your invoice charges

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What is MAU and How is it Calculated?

What is PCC and How is it Calculated?

Voice & Video

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What is MAU and How is it Calculated?

MAU stands for Monthly Active User. The first time a user logs in during a billing cycle, they are counted as an MAU, each user is only counted one time during the cycle. Most of our plans are based on MAUs. We never restrict the number of users who can access your chat, however, once you go over the MAU limit on your account, you are liable for overages. The standard MAU overage amount is $0.12 per user, but this may vary based on your plan or your contract. The total overages will be calculated at the end of the billing period and show on the next month’s invoice. If you’d like to discuss a higher MAU plan, reach out to our sales team

What is PCC and How is it Calculated? 

PCC stands for Peak Concurrent Connections. This is the number of active connections between your users and our server at one time. Please note that Connections are different from Users. One user may be logged in on multiple devices and therefore have multiple connections. All of our plans come with 5% concurrency unless otherwise stated in your order. So, if you are on a plan with 1,000 Monthly Active Users, your Concurrency Allowance will be fifty (1,000*5% = 50). Each concurrent connection over your allotted 5% will be charged at $1 per connection. The total overages will be calculated at the end of the billing period and will show on the next month’s invoice. If you’d like to discuss a higher concurrency plan, reach out to our sales team

Voice & Video 

Voice and video are charged on a per minute basis. The standard rates are $0.001 per minute for voice and $0.003 per minute for video. This can vary by plan and contract. The voice and video minutes will be recorded at the end of the billing cycle and then be charged on the next month’s invoice. All plans come with Voice & Video. 

Add Ons

CometChat offers various additions to a monthly subscription such as HIPAA compliance, email notifications, webhooks, in-flight moderation, E2E encryption, and more. These will show as additional line items on your invoice each month. To see a list of our features, check out our different plans

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